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Cloud Town Environment Sketches

For our cloud town sketches we wanted to create a dream-like sky city. The main concept of the environment is that the city is located on top of the clouds where all the cloud people live.


The main focus of our story is the hair salon store and we wanted to create a plaza of stores to accompany the hairsalon to make it feel like a more lived in and busy town. We all decided it would be a great idea for each of us to design a building each. In this way, each of our unique styles could be displayed in the towns’ plaza. In the centre of the plaza we wanted to place a water fountain as well as possible rainbow roads with floating cars/ planes for the clouds to transport on.

Character Sketches

For our character design approach we wanted our cloud characters to be simpler so that their hairstyles could be the main focus in their overall look. We’re still ideating on their final look as well as the type of facial expressions we want for our characters. 


We played around with the idea of our cloud characters having legs as well as them being able to float like ghosts. We’re leaning towards floating cloud characters as it will be easier to animate and will allow for us to focus on other movements like their facial expressions and the creation of their hairstyles. 


We played around with many different hairstyles for the celebrity. The goal with the final hair styles is to have something that stands out and feels elevated compared to the hairstyles that the rest of the cloud town characters have. 

Cloudy Cuts Salon Sketches

For the “Cloudy Cuts” salon we wanted to experiment with sky like objects like stars, planets, clouds, comets, etc. and incorporate  that into the aesthetic of our salon equipment. 


We’re still playing around with what we want the interior layout to look like but in the sketches we started brainstorming what types of hairstyling products and tools we might need to include into the salon.


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